Saturday, January 21, 2017

Small Things That Make Me Happy

Do big things or small things make you happy?  Are you more content with little things that add up or just one large thing?  For me, I would rather lots of little things.  Don't get me wrong, having something big and exciting happen is wonderful too but I try to see the beauty in the small everyday things and take joy in them as well.

Some small things that make me happy on the regular:

  • A good cup of coffee with a friend
  • A beautiful sky
  • A random compliment
  • A smile from a stranger
  • An amazing book
  • The excitement in my kids when they've discovered something or done something
  • My dogs love
  • A random text from my husband
  • A good song
  • The smell of lilac
  • A shared joke with a friend
  • Taking a great picture with my camera


  1. Small things really make me happy! A random text would be #1, followed by coffee with a friend, and an amazing book. Great list!

  2. Lovely list Jess. I too try to look for the joy in small things

  3. That is a great list, I prefer the joy in small things too.
